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moduleprofiler is a free open-source package to profile torch.nn.Module modules and obtain useful information to design a model that fits your needs and constraints at development time.

With moduleprofiler you can:

  • Calculate the number of parameters of your model.
  • Trace the input and output sizes of each component of your model.
  • Estimate the number of operations your model performs in a forward pass.
  • Calculate per module and total inference time.

All results can be obtained in one of the following formats:

  • dict (default output format)
  • pandas.DataFrame (to perform further calculations or filtering in your code)
  • html (to export as webpage)
  • LaTeX (to include in your publications)


moduleprofiler can be installed as any regular python module within your environment.

Install from PyPI:

python -m pip install moduleprofiler

Install from this repository:

python -m pip install git+


Using moduleprofiler is simple. First, you need to create a ModuleProfiler object, and then you can run any method over your existing torch.nn.Module model.
import torch
from moduleprofiler import ModuleProfiler

# Input tensor
x = torch.rand((1, 8))

# Network
net = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=8, out_features=32)

# Profiler
profiler = ModuleProfiler()

# Calculate number of parameters in the model
net_params = profiler.count_params(module=net)
      'type': 'Linear',
      'trainable_params': 288,
      'nontrainable_params': 0,
      'trainable_params_dtype': torch.float32,
      'trainable_params_size_bits': 9216,
      'trainable_params_percent': 1.0,
      'nontrainable_params_percent': 0.0

# Compute sizes of input and output tensors of each layer
net_io = profiler.trace_io_sizes(module=net, input=x)
  {'type': 'Linear', 'input_size': (1, 8), 'output_size': (1, 32)}

# Estimate operations performed by each layer
net_ops = profiler.estimate_ops(module=net, input=x)
{'__root__': {'type': 'Linear', 'ops': 512}}

Methods for generating the results in different formats such as DataFrame, .csv or .html have the same names, except for a suffixed ending. For example, profiler.trace_io_sizes becomes profiler.trace_io_sizes_df for a DataFrame output, or profiler.trace_io_sizes_csv to save results to a .csv file. Methods without a suffix will generate a dict output.

  • For more in-depth tutorials please see the Tutorial section.
  • For further information about specifics methods, please see the Documentation section.
  • For further information about how the complexity of different layers is estimated, please see the Reference section.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to open an issue in GitHub or reach out to the author. If this package contributed to your work, please consider citing it:

  author = {Esteban Gómez},
  title  = {moduleprofiler},
  year   = 2024,
  url    = {}

Supported modules

By default, all methods support all modules as long as these are instances of torch.nn.Module. The only functionality where some modules might be missing is in the estimate_ops method that used to estimate the operations performed by a certain module. Modules that are not supported will result in None as returned value. However, it is possible to add both missing and custom modules as described in Tutorial.

Module Supported (ops) Version
torch.nn.Identity 0.0.1
torch.nn.Linear 0.0.1
torch.nn.Conv1d 0.0.1
torch.nn.Conv2d 0.0.1
torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d 0.0.1
torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d 0.0.1
torch.nn.GRUCell 0.0.1
torch.nn.GRU 0.0.1
torch.nn.LSTMCell 0.0.1
torch.nn.LSTM 0.0.1
torch.nn.ReLU 0.0.1
torch.nn.LeakyReLU 0.0.1
torch.nn.ELU 0.0.1
torch.nn.PReLU 0.0.1
torch.nn.Sigmoid 0.0.1
torch.nn.Softmax 0.0.1
torch.nn.Softplus 0.0.1
torch.nn.Tanh 0.0.1
torch.nn.AvgPool1d 0.0.1
torch.nn.AvgPool2d 0.0.1
torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool1d 0.0.1
torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d 0.0.1
torch.nn.MaxPool1d 0.0.1
torch.nn.MaxPool2d 0.0.1
torch.nn.LayerNorm 0.0.1
torch.nn.BatchNorm1d 0.0.4
torch.nn.BatchNorm2d 0.0.4