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ConvTranspose1d (torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d)

A torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d modules applies a transposed convolution along a given dimension of a tensor. This operation can be seen as the gradient of a torch.nn.Conv1d convolution with respect to its input. Is it also known as deconvolution, however, this might be misleading because a deconvolution is the inverse of a convolution operation.

A torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d module expects an input of size \(\left(N,C_{in}, L_{in}\right)\) or \(\left(C_{in}, L_{in}\right)\) to produce an output of size \(\left(N,C_{out}, L_{out}\right)\) or \(\left(C_{out}, L_{out}\right)\). The relationship between layer parameters and \(L_{out}\) is defined as

\[ \begin{equation} L_{out}=\left(L_{in}-1\right)\times \text{stride}-2\times\text{padding}+\text{dilation}\times\left(\text{kernel\_size}-1\right)+\text{output\_padding}+1 \end{equation} \]


  • \(N\) is the batch size.
  • \(C_{in}\) is the number of input channels.
  • \(C_{out}\) is the number of output channels.
  • \(L_{in}\) is the length of the input tensor (i.e. x.size(-1) assuming an input tensor x).
  • \(L_{out}\) is the length of the output tensor (i.e. y.size(-1) assuming an output tensor y).

The remaining parameters are assumed to be known by the reader and can be found in the torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d documentation.


Number of filters

In order to calculate the number of operations performed this module, it is necessary to understand the impact of the groups parameter on the overall complexity, and the number of filters \(\psi\) a network instance will have based on this. According to the official torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d documentation

groups controls the connections between inputs and outputs. in_channels and out_channels must both be divisible by groups.

For example: At groups=1, all inputs are convolved to all outputs. At groups=2, the operation becomes equivalent to having two conv(transpose1d) layers side by side, each seeing half the input channels and producing half the output channels, and both subsequently concatenated.

At groups=in_channels, each input channel is convolved with its own set of filters (of size \(\frac{\text{out\_channels}}{\text{in\_channels}}\) )

Based on this information, the number of filters \(\psi\) can be computed as

\[ \begin{equation} \psi = \left(\frac{C_{in}}{\text{groups}}\right)\times\left(\frac{C_{out}}{\text{groups}}\right)\times{\text{groups}}=\frac{C_{in}\times C_{out}}{\text{groups}} \end{equation} \]

Operations per filter

Now the number of filters \(\psi\) are known, it is necessary to compute how many operations each filter performs. As shown in Figure 1, for each kernel position there will be \(\text{kernel\_size}\) multiplications (i.e. each input element multiplied by the entire kernel). However, the additions pattern is more complicated compared to torch.nn.Conv1d because some kernel positions may overlap only partially. The possible outcomes become even more varied if the kernel has dilation > 1 or stride > 1.

conv1d-kernel-diagram conv1d-kernel-diagram
Figure 1. Operations per kernel position to obtain the output tensor.

For this case where obtaining a closed formula may be challenging, the approach to obtain the number of sums will be empirical. First, an input tensor \(x\) will be filled with ones. Then, a nn.ConvTranspose1d will be instantiated, with bias=False and its kernel will also be initialized filled with ones. By doing this, it is possible to observe from Figure 1 that the output sequence will be \(y_0=1\), \(y_1=2\), \(y_2=2\), and \(y_3=1\). By subtracting \(1\) to all values and adding the together, the result is the number of sums, \(2\) in this case. Please find a code snippet below to illustrate this.
import torch

# Input tensor
x = torch.ones((1, 2))

# Module
convtranspose1d = torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d(in_channels=1, out_channels=1, kernel_size=3, bias=False)

# Fill weight with ones

# Compute number of additions
additions = convtranspose1d(x) - 1.0  # tensor([[0., 1., 1., 0.]])
additions = torch.sum(additions)  # tensor(2.)
Each element in \(L_\text{out}\) is the result of \(\text{kernel\_size}\) multiplications, and a number of additions that depends on possibly multiple overlapping kernel positions. The number of operations per filter \(\lambda\) can be expressed as

\[ \begin{equation} \lambda=L_{out}\times\text{kernel\_size} + \text{additions\_per\_filter} \end{equation} \]

Where \(\text{additions\_per\_filter}\) corresponds to the result of the function to calculate the number of additions per filter.


Please note that the batch size \(N\) will be ignored for now, but it will be included later on.

Filter aggregation

Now that the number of filters and the number of operations per filter are known, it is necessary compute the operations needed to aggregate each group of filters \(\gamma\) to produce each output channel \(C_{out}\). These operations correspond to simple element-wise additions and can be expressed as

\[ \begin{equation} \gamma=C_{out}\times L_\text{out}\times\left(\left(\frac{C_{in}}{\text{groups}}-1\right)+1\right) \end{equation} \]

Where the term \(\left(\frac{C_{\text{in}}}{\text{groups}}-1\right)\) corresponds to the number of grouped connections between input and outputs channels \(\frac{C_{\text{in}}}{\text{groups}}\), subtracted by \(1\) because the operation is an addition. The \(L_\text{out}\) factor accounts for the number of elements per filters, and \(C_{\text{out}}\) expands this calculation to all output channels. Finally, the remaining \(+1\) corresponds to the bias term \(b\) that was not included so far, and that is added to each resulting output channel element. Note that this last term is only added if the module is instantiated using bias=True.

\[ \begin{equation} \gamma=\begin{cases} C_{out}\times L_{out}\times\left(\frac{C_{in}}{\text{groups}}\right), & \text{if}\ \text{bias}=\text{True} \\ C_{out}\times L_{out}\times\left(\frac{C_{in}}{\text{groups}}-1\right), & \text{if}\ \text{bias}=\text{False} \end{cases} \end{equation} \]


Please note that the bias term \(b\) was not included in Operations per filter and is added here instead. Even though according to PyTorch torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d documentation \(b\) has shape \(\left(C_{out}\right)\), in practice this tensor is implicitly broadcasted following PyTorch broadcasting semantics in such a way that each tensor value will be added with its corresponding channel bias.

Total operations

Now putting together all different factors that contribute to the total number of operations as well as including the batch size \(N\)

\[ \begin{equation} \text{ConvTranspose1d}_{ops}=N\times\left(\psi\times\lambda+\gamma\right) \end{equation} \]


For the case of bias=True this can be expanded to

\[ \begin{equation} \small{\text{ConvTranspose1d}_{ops}=N\times\frac{C_{in}\times C_{out}}{\text{groups}}\times \left(L_{out}\times\left(\text{kernel\_size}+1\right)+\text{additions\_per\_filter}\right)} \end{equation} \]

For the case of bias=False \(\gamma=C_{out}\times L_{out}\times\left(\frac{C_{in}}{\text{groups}}-1\right)\) and the whole expression can be simplified to

\[ \begin{equation} \small{\text{ConvTranspose1d}_{ops}=N\times\frac{C_{in}\times C_{out}}{\text{groups}}\times \left(L_{out}\times\left(\text{kernel\_size}+1\right)+\text{additions\_per\_filter}\right) - N\times C_{out}\times L_{out}} \end{equation} \]


The number of operations performed by a torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d module can be estimated as

\(\large{\text{ConvTranspose1d}_{ops}=N\times\frac{C_{in}\times C_{out}}{\text{groups}}\times \left(L_{out}\times\left(\text{kernel\_size}+1\right)+\text{additions\_per\_filter}\right)}\)

\(\large{\text{ConvTranspose1d}_{ops}=N\times\frac{C_{in}\times C_{out}}{\text{groups}}\times \left(L_{out}\times\left(\text{kernel\_size}+1\right)+\text{additions\_per\_filter}\right) - N\times C_{out}\times L_{out}}\)


  • \(N\) is the batch size.
  • \(C_{\text{in}}\) is the number of input channels.
  • \(C_{\text{out}}\) is the number of output channels.
  • \(L_{\text{out}}\) is the length of the output tensor (i.e. y.size(-1) assuming an output tensor y).
  • \(\text{kernel\_size}\) is the length of the kernel.
  • \(\text{groups}\) is the number of groups.
  • \(\text{additions\_per\_filter}\) is the result of the function to calculate the number of addition operations per filter described in Operations per filter.