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Linear (torch.nn.Linear)

A linear layer computes the following operation in a forward pass:

\[ \begin{equation}y=xA^T+b\end{equation} \]


  • \(x\) is a rank-N tensor of size \(\left(\ast, H_\text{in}\right)\) with N \(\geq\) 1
  • \(A\) is a weight rank-2 tensor of size \(\left(H_\text{out}, H_\text{in}\right)\).
  • \(b\) is a bias rank-1 tensor of size \(\left(H_\text{out}\right)\).
  • \(y\) is the output rank-N tensor of size \(\left(\ast, H_\text{out}\right)\).
  • \(\ast\) means any number of dimensions.
  • \(H_\text{in}\) is the number of input features.
  • \(H_\text{out}\) is the number of output features.

The weight tensor \(A\) will apply a linear transformation or mapping to the input tensor \(x\), whereas the bias tensor \(b\) can be though of as a DC offset, since it is a learnable term that will act as a constant that is added to the result of the tensor-tensor multiplication \(xA^T\).


A linear module involves two tensor-tensor operations: one multiplication and one addition. In order to simplify the calculations, \(x\) will be assumed to have size \(\left(1, H_\text{in}\right)\). After computing the results, they will be expanded for higher dimensions. If \(A\) is a rank-2 tensor of size \(\left(H_\text{out}, H_\text{in}\right)\), then \(A^T\) has size \(\left(H_\text{in}, H_\text{out}\right)\). Therefore

\[ \begin{equation} xA^T=\begin{pmatrix} x_0 & ...&x_{H_\text{in}-1} \end{pmatrix}\times\begin{pmatrix} a_{0,0} & \cdots&a_{0,H_\text{out}-1}\\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{H_\text{in}-1,0}& \cdots & a_{H_\text{in}-1,H_\text{out}-1} \end{pmatrix} \end{equation} \]

A single element \(y_n\) of the output tensor corresponds to the dot product of the first (and only) row of tensor \(x\) and a column of \(A^T\). As an example, the first output element \(y_0\) will be computed as

\[ \begin{equation} y_0=\sum\limits_{n=0}^{H_\text{in}-1}x_n a_{n, 0}=x_0 a_{0, 0}+x_1 a_{1, 0}+\cdots+x_{H_\text{in}-1} a_{H_\text{in}-1,0} \end{equation} \]

This operation requires \(H_\text{in}\) multiplications and \(H_\text{in} - 1\) additions. Therefore, the total number of operations per output feature is \(2 \times H_\text{in} - 1\). This has to be repeated \(H_\text{out}\) times. Then, the total number of operations \(\text{Linear}_{ops}\) so far is

\[ \begin{equation} \text{Linear}_{ops}=H_\text{out}\times\left(2 \times H_\text{in} - 1\right) \end{equation} \]

Next, it is necessary to add the bias tensor \(b\). This is rather straightforward, since the result of \(xA^T\) has shape \(\left(1, H_\text{out}\right)\) and the bias tensor \(b\) has shape \(\left(H_\text{out}\right)\). The addition of the bias term corresponds therefore to \(H_\text{out}\) additions

\[ \begin{equation} \text{Linear}_{ops}=H_\text{out}\times\left(2 \times H_\text{in} - 1\right) + H_\text{out} = 2\times H_\text{in}\times H_\text{out} \end{equation} \]

Depending on whether module was instantiated using bias=True or bias=False, there are two possible outcomes

\[ \begin{equation} \text{Linear}_{ops}=\begin{cases} 2\times H_\text{in}\times H_\text{out}, & \text{if}\ \text{bias}=\text{True} \\ H_\text{out}\times\left(2 \times H_\text{in} - 1\right), &\text{if}\ \text{bias}=\text{False} \end{cases} \end{equation} \]

Finally, it is necessary to add the batch size. Since \(\ast\) is any set of dimensions of \(x\). Given a rank-N tensor \(x\) of size \(\left(d_0, d_1, \cdots, d_{N-1}\right)\) it is possible to define the batch size \(\beta\) as

\[ \begin{equation} \beta=\prod^{N - 2}d_n=d_0\times d_1\times\cdots\times d_{N-2} \end{equation} \]


Please note that torch.nn.Linear allows the batch size \(\beta\) to be composed of a single dimension or many, so its definition slightly differs from the batch size definition of other type of modules. As an example, if the input tensor \(x\) has size \(\left(2, 3, 4\right)\) then the batch dimension is \(6\), and the number of input features \(H_\text{in}\) is \(4\). This is because torch.nn.Linear considers only the very last dimension as input features.

The previously calculated number of operations is then repeated \(\beta\) times. Finally, the total number of operations per forward pass is

\[ \begin{equation} \text{Linear}_{ops}=\begin{cases} 2\times\beta\times H_\text{out}\times H_\text{in}, & \text{if}\ \text{bias}=\text{True} \\ \beta\times H_\text{out}\times\left(2 \times H_\text{in} - 1\right), &\text{if}\ \text{bias}=\text{False} \end{cases} \end{equation} \]


The number of operations performed by a torch.nn.Linear module can be estimated as

\(\text{Linear}_{ops} = 2\times\beta\times H_\text{out}\times H_\text{in}\)

\(\text{Linear}_{ops} = \beta\times H_\text{out}\times\left(2 \times H_\text{in} - 1\right)\)


  • \(H_\text{in}\) is the number of input features.
  • \(H_\text{out}\) is the number of output features.
  • \(\beta\) is the batch size. For the case of torch.nn.Linear and a rank-N input tensor \(x\) of size \(\left(d_0, d_1, \cdots, d_{N-1}\right)\) it is defined as \(d_0\times d_1\times\cdots\times d_{N-2}\).